Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Back in January I bought flooring for the studio space because Lumber Liquidators was having a big new years sale... had I known that it would be august before we would lay the floor I would have waited, but oh well! Anyway... its that time! Walls are painted so its time to lay the floor... right? Wrong! First we need to level the floor, then cut out the area for the tiles (since the ceramic tiles are 1/4" and the other flooring is about 1/16") Thanks to my handy dandy daddy, we got it done!

Cutting out a section for the ceramic tile
Next we needed to put in more screws to the creaky squeaky sections. After that it was time to lay the subfloor. This will insure that there will be a very level, nice and clean surface to stick on the laminate tiles. So last night my dad and I cleaned the floor, glued the sheets and stapled it down! 
Yes, I am now the staple gun master!
We only got about half way through before it was 8:30 and time for some dinner. So my dad headed home, I cleaned up a bit and proceeded to have a nice bowl of cereal, Gotta have my Pops! Tonight, while I get my hair cut my dad said that he is going to bring my grandma over to "see the space" (and or help him finish the floor.)

Half way there!
I'm so lucky to have such a wonderful family and support system that is willing to help me with this project. I don't know where I would be without them and I can't wait until its finished and I can have a very special Friends and Family night for all of them to show my appreciation.

but until then, I always provide my helpers with the key ingredient to success,  a cold beer!

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