Friday, September 7, 2012

A Dash of Morning Perspective

Lets back track to last night... I got an online order from Germany for a dirndl that I just sold last weekend, so I was a bit frustrated because now I didn't have the dirndl in stock. Christian then looks over at me and says "can't you make another one?" "well, ya... but". Then he says to me "Isn't getting online orders a good thing? You should be super excited!" He was right!!! DUH!! I've got this dirndl going to Germany, so I guess I'm going back to the sewing machine next week!

Red Piranha Dirndl
Now on to this morning, as I drive from my apartment to work (at my parents house) I'm listening to the Eric and Kathy 36hr Radiothon and I heard a story about a little boy with a malignant brain tumor who passed away in 1995. He would have been 19 this year. This story hit me because... I am 25, a designer and business owner, and I am having a Grand (ish) Opening this weekend of my own studio space, and in 1996, it could have been over.

In December of 1996 my parents called 911 during the night because I was having a seizure. After 2 MRIs and finding nothing, my pediatrician pushed for one more MRI... and there it was, a brain tumor. Only about the size of a marble, but when your 10yr old has a brain tumor, for my parents it didn't matter how big it was... only that it was there. After surgery in January of 1997, Dr. Ruge took out the tumor and it turned out to be benign. Besides some anti seizure meds and regular MRIs... that tumor had met its match. 
Playing Dr a few weeks after surgery
Listening to the stories on the radio this morning just got me thinking about how lucky I was and still am. I have worked so hard for what I have, but at the same time... those around me have supported me from the time I was (somewhat hairless) and making rocks into dolls with my hot glue gun, to today making modern edgy dirndls for people all over the world. People thought I was crazy then... well I haven't changed!
My latest crazy idea... from start to finish
This isn't about making you support the radiothon, this isn't to try and make you feel bad for me that I had a tumor, this is just me writing because I thought it was important for me to put it out into the universe that I am happy to be alive and so excited to invite everyone to see the studio this weekend. 

Happy German Day Weekend!!!

Ever wonder what dirndl style you are? 
Take our dirndl quiz and find out! Simply type in your email here  

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