Friday, May 4, 2012

More coming down than going up!

I kinda figured this would happen and yesterday, I was proven correct. After going over all the plans with my contractor Paul from Service Construction of Illinois, Inc I left my studio in their hands. Upon my return I saw this:
Turns out... It would be easier to take down the other walls and rebuild them, than try to add to them. And then theres the toilet room and sink. Something by the sink must have been leaking for a long time because the floor is rotted nearly all the way through to the basement! So theres a large gaping hole in the floor. But no worries... best to get all this taken care of so when customers need to pee they don't fall through the floor, you know?!

I can't wait to go back today and see whats going on and see how much the city is going to charge me for a dumpster! 

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